It’s raining everywhere. If you are travelling, you would see greeny greenery around you. Green, green and green everywhere. Huge trees and plants dancing in rain with no barriers. It’s such a nice feeling to see the nature. Forests, rainfalls, rivers. Pure oxygen and clean air. Happy trees, happy nature and happy people. I don’t think there are people unaware of the advantages of plants. So I will avoid that.
A sophisticated party, lots of people making a hell of noise. Harsh music and dance. A small plant standing in a corner may be peeping outside the window. Afraid of lights, heights. Mourning and grief. Not a single heart to feel for him. Some people passing here and there uttering to their child,”Hey!! Look at that my baby, that small tiny tree in the pot. It’s called “bonsai”. What do you feel baby? Do you want a similar one in your room? U can spend your time taking care of it rather than fighting with your brother.”
Another man entered the conversation,” Even I have one in my home, but I don’t have time to take care of it. Actually, I hardly get time to water it. Still it is there in one corner as it is a trend u know, to keep a bonsai in home. But this one is not that good. It has to be still trimmed, it is a little disfigured. Looking quite odd, but still it’s good. As it’s a symbol of pride.”
Child asks, “Mom, if we can have a tree in our home itself, then why we need huge trees outside? Are we not wasting lot of space mom?”
Suddenly mom replied,”Arhh!! Let us have dinner baby, we shall discuss that later.”
In today’s society, the things which greatly matters is a nice car, an exotic holiday every 3, 4 month, a brand new home theatre system, designer clothes etc. ok fine, its their will and wish. Their money. But why trees. Just as an ornament, why we are killing the lives of trees. I agree, it’s an achievement by man to grow a tree in a pot but what’s the use? Why the people are killing the very independence of plants to live their life in their own way? Why they want everything to reach them to their living room?

Some people are there who keep bonsais just for craze. They love their new pets!! They take care of them more than themselves. Cutting off the new sprout, pruning, shaping etc.Bonsai trees, if properly cared for, can live for hundreds of years. How beautiful it is to hand over a living legacy from generation to generation!!
Personally speaking, I don’t like bonsai culture. I think they are destroying our humanitarian values, ethics and morals. What if someone locks you in a room and give you all facilities and comforts? Think about it!!!
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