Historically, Haiti is one of the very important nations. It was the first independent nation in Latin America and the first black-led nation in the world. The only nation whose independence was gained as part of a successful slave rebellion. Haiti was under the control of France and was called Saint-Domingue before independence. After independence it was named Haiti. American troops attacked frequently on Haiti. During the times of 1922, they loaned 40 million dollars from US and were not able to pay back, in turn handed over the whole national treasury to Americans. From early times they were slaves and were always humiliated from someone or the other. They were suffering politically, socially, economically and naturally also. And the biggest disaster was yet to witness.

Economically it is the poorest country in America with an average of 2$ or less per person per day. Poverty has forced at least 2,25,000 children in Haiti's cities into slavery. They are actually unpaid servants. It has consistently ranked among the most corrupt countries in the world. Even the annual budget is donated by other countries like United States, Canada, Venezuela and Cuba. Haiti now ranks 149th of 182 countries in the United Nations. The literacy rate is of 65.9%. Around 90% of primary schools are non public. The enrollment rate is about 67% but only 30% of them reach the 6th grade. The population of Haiti is about 9.8 million and half of them are under 20. From past decade, it has witnessed a little development but what is the use, a quake in their lives snatched everything from them.

Haiti has witnessed many natural calamities and disasters in history also. Frequent soil erosions, deforestation, flooding etc. In 2004, 2 times the place was strike by flooding and mudslides which killed over 6000 people. Even before the earthquake, nearly half the causes of deaths have been attributed to HIV/AIDS, respiratory infections, meningitis and diarrheal diseases, including cholera and typhoid, 90% of Haiti’s children suffer from waterborne diseases and intestinal parasites. Cases of tuberculosis are more than ten times as high as those in other American countries. Around 30,000 people in Haiti suffer each year from malaria.

On January 12, 2010, 4:53 pm, Haiti was struck by a magnitude 7 earthquake which completely demolished Haiti. This was the most powerful earthquake in over 200 years. The quake eventually took place just off the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince. Building collapsed due to poor construction. Even the presidential place was badly damaged. Floors collapsed on floors. Over 1 lakh people are estimated dead. In 1946 a magnitude 8 quake shook Haiti but quake this time affected more because it stroke on more densely populated area.

Within minutes everything was over. Even they didn’t have time to realize what has happened and everything around them messed up. People lost their lives. People who survived lost their loved ones. It was really bad to watch those mourning moments on television. People were crying like anything. Many struck in debris. Shouting for help. But the cameras moved on. Small children wandering here and there, searching for their parents. Half dead people outside the hospitals looking forward for their turn. Hospitals were more like huts. Doctors were pleading help to provide enough drugs and accommodate people. Huge crowd running behind helicopters, which were throwing food bags from air. People trying to pull a woman struck in a house with a baby. God, why you do this?

The sad thing was, some culprits over there were looting shops on the streets of Port-au-Prince. People were watching helplessly until the police arrested some looters.

And the saddest thing is that many scam artists with criminal intent are trying to betray people by fake mails and websites. People willing to contribute for a charitable cause are being miss lead. Please people beware. Ignore those kinds of mails and do not click on the links within the messages. Do not give your personal or financial information to anyone who solicits contributions. The FBI says anyone receipting an e-mail that appears to be a scam should forward it to this Web site: www.ic3.gov

People are suffering a lot there and no contribution should go vain. You can help by making a secure online donation. Do not ever trust our politicians here. They suck!!! Our contribution will never reach Haiti because it didn’t even reached north Karnataka last time and expecting it to reach kilo miles away is like fool’s paradise. Pray for people who lost their lives. Hope their souls reside in peace. Hope the lives of people who have survived, come back to normal as fast as possible.
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