Countless “all Muslims are not terrorists” themed movies are realized, but no movie depicts the darker side of Muslim community concerned with love jihad for e.g. Young girls are being targeted for a new kind of terror attack called the love jihad or Romeo jihad. These love jihadists are none other than the Muslims. Many Muslim youngsters are trained to trap innocent girls feigning love for converting them to Islam. The love jihad involves heartless phenomenon luring vulnerable girls and young women to convert to Islam. They mesmerize them by their talks and high profile attitude. These love jihadists are provided with new cell phones, clothes, bikes etc which they cannot afford in reality to attract innocent girls. They get 2 weeks of time to trap a girl and 6 months to convert her to Islam. If the girl doesn’t show any kind of interest in these 2 weeks, they will find another prey!! For every conversion, jihadists are rewarded and this money is reported to come from foreign resources (Pak). Higher the educational and social status of the victim, more will be the reward paid. If this jihadist by chance marries the girl, he is given the permission to have maximum of 4 kids so that more and more Muslims are born :(
The same Shri Ram Sena, who are treated as villains nowadays were the first to find out this kind of organization. They announced about the launch of a nationwide "Save our daughters, save India" campaign to combat "Love Jihad". The only problem with this organization is that they take law in hands. No matter how good is the cause, they are always treated as villains. Their stupid statements and in disciplinary acts make others to consider them as riots. They are extreme extremists!!! I don’t know what RSS is doing these days? Time has come when we need them the most and they are “kabooshh”!!

This jihad custom is not the new one. There are different types of jihads. The name has changed now that’s it. In 1990’s Sikh community young girls were similarly trapped by Muslims who were pretending to be Sikhs in England. This was more brutal compared to the present one. Hindu and Sikh girls were beaten up and terrorized by the Muslim men they were dating with, until they are converted. At least they were having proofs because girls were fed up and were desperate to get out of the trap. But this time it is a different scenario.
Love jihad in India is mainly conducted in southern parts. That too mainly in Kerala and coastal Karnataka. College campuses are the most appropriate places for them. The first case of love jihad was found on September 2009. Two girls, one Hindu and one Christian, indicated that they had been forced to convert by two Muslim youths. Girls were completely trapped in love. Instead of expected marriage, the girls were taken to a Muslim organization where they were subjected to extremist propaganda. On 9th December 2009, Justice J K Sankaran for the Kerala High court showed some serious concern on this issue. According to him around 3,000 to 4,000 incidences of similar kind have took place. In one such case pending in the Karnataka High Court, father says his daughter has been lured away but daughter says she simply fell in love. God, look at our innocence. No strong proof has been found yet, as girls need their boys back. Where are they? Common sense=0!!!
What will someone get by ruining the lives of others? I don’t know. In a country like India, women are our pride and insulting them is like insulting the nation. I know, victims are also equally responsible but what to do, innocence is in our blood. We get trapped so easily like anything. Our week and diverseness is the main problem here. We think only about our family, my mom and dad, my bother and sister and at most my relatives. My family is secure, that’s enough for me. Then what about the country? What if all the girls are trapped like this? It’s our responsibility to spread awareness among youngsters. Let us take a break from our stupid internals, labs, assignments, records etc and do some useful things to spread awareness amongst people (especially girls). But how? Please share :)
Check out Pratap Simha’s article on love jihad (Vijaya Karnataka Kannada newspaper’s leading writer):
first its nice thing to write on this ...really how these guys play with some ones life like this.How stupid to convert innocent girls to islam by force..Really they are insulting islam..its damaging their principle only..